I won't go into the story except to tell you it has two characters from another story, but you can read it for yourself, but I will give you a little bit of the story about Sauilin and her compatriots.
Sauilin is what we would call the Sun. It is the Darklander name for the star
the planet orbits and is universally accepted as its name. It is referred to as the loving mother who nurtures the land, unlike our own mythos that has the sun as a male character.
Thiuhian, on the other hand, is the King of the night. It is the greater of the two moons, has a circular orbit about the equator.
Saldra, the Jester of Joker, is the lesser of the two moons. She has an elliptical orbit about the poles and causes havoc in the southern
hemisphere two or three times a year, about every seven and a half cycles of
Thiuhian. She is the
wayward daughter of Sauilin and Thiuhian in the old stories.
Gardijon is the name of the planet or the lands. He is the
wayward son of Sauilin and Thiuhian, the warrior who is constantly warring with
his sister Saldra. It seems the union of the sun and moon only ever produced troublesome offspring.